Try Notion
Continuation of Seminar Discussion
June 7, 2023 4:24 PM
Week 10
June 6, 2023
Paper Link
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A space for reflecting on education
Safe space
Want to enter (not about requirements)
Ok to miss and it not be held against us
Conversations here help with perspectives elsewhere
Different from other classes and discussions
Ok to bring up topics that may not feel like they fit elsewhere
Stepping back to add context and background to bring people to same page
Feeling of belonging
Different topics of each week, we're all part of education in college so it's accessible
Bring in our own experiences
Mix of experience levels, talking to people in different roles/stages
Time flies
Think about these topics a lot anyways
Affirmation that others care about this too Room where people are facing each other. No (implicit or explicit) demarcation of "who should be talking
Multiple perspectives
Small group so don't fall into the background
Everyone contributing
Q: what is relationship between this seminar and pace?
Q: what is relationship between this and Talking Teaching?
I think the problem “talking about what other people could do better” is a really interesting concept in many scenarios that this seminar vs. talking teaching vs. some CS research has made me think about
How do people hear about it? - Maybe clarifying in the course seminar listing to invite people coming by (don't need to be formally enrolled) / looking for room / Zoom links But also let it grow organically
How do seminars work in terms of credit counting / when can I take it?
Which topics did people enjoy this year?
All of them
talking about own work
diversity/range of topics driven by presenter's interest
explicit focus on inclusivity and increased nuance in those conversations
paper on feedback (and its relationship to grading)
TA/tutor training and "student training" for interacting with TA/tutors (+1)
how to aggregate information from a big group of people in an inclusive way
what does it mean to teach a 350 class when 30 people show up?
what does it mean to be "on campus" uni while being accessible to commuters/other populations that aren't showing up, while still building a community?
how does the intention of podcasting affect how classes are/should be taught?
designing course structure for two audiences is difficult!
retention of students as the quarter continues?
What does university provide: calendar + space + ?
space and temporal pedagogy